Sunday, February 1, 2009

The joy of being an Aunt ...

The other day I brought my sister and her 5-year-old daughter home after a day at our house. Her little one was obviously tired, so she stood at the foot of the stairs to scream and cry as loud as she could! She cried ... yelled ... and screamed the entire way up the stairs into her apartment. I gave my sis an understanding look ... and went home!
About 30 minutes later I got the following text from my sister ... "Ok so she just stopped crying. She cried because there's no pibbow. Because I should quit 'hurting' her as I'm removing her shirt. Because she does not want to wear those jammies. Oh wait! She does! Because she wants to feed her fish. Because she waited so long that she has now peed herself mid fish feeding! Because I won't let her feed her fish due to her urination on the floor. Because her shirt 'is not wet Mom!' Because she can't stop hyperventilating due to so much crying. Shoot me. Please. Any day now."
I like to call it ... poetic justice!