Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Eleven year-old Beauty

December 11, 1996 Tom and I had our "first Noel". Born exactly 2 weeks before Christmas ... and exactly 2 weeks late. Chelsea Noelle has always been and will always be a beautiful soul. She's very passionate! Tom says often that she's just like her Grandma Cookie ... she has her eyes, her beautiful dark hair, her passion and well, her passion. She is a born leader and I hope she never forgets the power of example. She's very well liked at school and an excellent student. Creativity comes naturally to her. This year she's learning a new talent and playing drums/percussion in the school band! She gives a mean neck massage and the softest kisses on the cheek right next to your ear so that her heavy breathing almost tickles your ear. Love you Loo Loo

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Where has the time gone?

It's December ... and when did I post last ... May? Sad, I know.
Our family has been super busy! There's so much catching up to do that I've been a little overwhelmed and have procrastinated. So in order to get "blogging" again, I've decided to just jot a few things down. As soon as I get the pictures on disc I'll make a fantabulous slide show for all to see!
Over the summer Tom and I went to Branson with T.J.'s Jazz Band and performed on stage with the Haygoods and other amazing places, including a dinner/show on the Branson Showboat. This year he's in 8th grade and is not only playing the trombone but the bass guitar as well. The high school marching band instructor has asked him to get ready for the tuba since 2 of the tuba players are graduating this year. He recently made the county band and is challenging himself to tryout for the district band. This is a huge challenge considering some of the biggest schools in the state will be there as well!
Tom went to Alaska, came home and he and I started back to college at RSU. I'm getting a nursing degree and ... well ... he still doesn't know what he wants to do when he grows up!
Kaylee is dancing again this year and is a soldier in the Children's Nutcracker (more on that later). She's playing the clarinet in the 6th grade band.
Chelsea has been taking dance, but decided that her love is still soccer. She'll start back up this spring. Until then she's recovering from getting her tonsils out. She's also our little drummer girl in her band in 5th grade. She's learning the bells first and then she'll be moving onto her little practice pad ... next we'll all be banging our heads against the wall to the rhythm of her beat.
Madalyn started soccer this fall and loves it! She pushes herself really hard and always comes off the field with a red, sweaty, smiley face. She also got baptized in October with her cousin Kaitlyn. These two are great friends and it was such an amazing experience to see these sweet little spirits make such a huge step together. They sang "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus" together at their baptism. She's in 2nd grade and is setting reading goals and reaching them quickly!
Evie is probably our next little dancer. She walks on her toes most of the time and loves watching "Rena" ... no, not her cousin, that's Balle"rena"... Barbie in the Nutcracker that is.
And Claira turned one! She's healthy and eating/drinking everything she can get her hands on (and even a little of what everyone else has their hands on too!). I'm not sure if she'll ever walk though, her little feet rarely touch the ground!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Talent Show Queen

Chelsea got to show off her "dramatic" side last week at the 4th grade Talent Show. She and three of her friends ... Abby, Chelsea and Tori ... danced to the Cheetah Girls, "Amigas Cheetahs". The girls made up all the moves and came up with the costume ideas (Cheetah of course). As the girls walked off the stage, Chelsea raises both her hands in the air and blows the audience a kiss!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Will Rogers Junior High Jazz Band

Friday night we were treated to some amazing entertainment given by the Claremore Junior High and High School Jazz Bands. Of course we thought the junior high's performance was the best! T.J is the trombonist on the far right. We thought we'd share a little sampling.

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We're excited to announce that this band will be going to Branson on July 9, 10 & 11th. They've been asked to perform at the Branson On Stage Live show opening for the Haygoods, Silver Dollar City, Branson showboat and 2 others that I can't remember. T.J. is going to have to rehearse daily to prepare and he even has to attend an "etiquette class" so they will all be well behaved at some of the finer restaurants. Good luck with that one!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Student of the month

Kaylee was selected as Student of the Month by her teacher for the month of February! I know ... February ... we've been a little busy lately! Here's what her teacher had to say about her: "Kaylee is a good student. She is an avid reader and writer. Kaylee sets high standards for herself and those around her. You are really awesome. I love having you in my class."
As a reward, she and other Students of the Month were treated to ice cream at Braum's. Plus, her picture in the paper (with some other kids too).

Chelsea is a proud Mama ...

... of a baby chick! Just hatched over the weekend in a make-shift incubator in her classroom. She's very proud. Sadly not all of the baby chicks did so well. Her friend's chick was having problems and had to be sent to the CICU (Chicken Intensive Care Unit). So far no name has been given, however Chelsea's already putting on the charms to Mom and Dad hoping she can keep it! YIKES!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

College bound ... already?

Well, not quite ... T.J. scored so high on the state testing in 6th grade that Duke University invited him to take part in their "talent search". He was asked to take the SAT along with other 7th graders that had been chosen. So he gave up half of his Saturday to take this 5 hour test. It was fun seeing this small group of 12-13 year olds in a room full of high school juniors and seniors. In the end he scored better than 10% of college-bound seniors! Way to go T.J.! It was great practice for when he takes it in high school. Currently he plans to go to Harvard and be a brain surgeon. Hopefully he remembers how much he loves his mother when he hits his millions!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Book Character Day

Chelsea and Madalyn go to an awesome elementary school called Stuart Roosa. Every year during Dr. Seuss's birthday the school has a celebration where every child dresses up as their favorite book character. Usually at our house it's not necessarily a favorite character ... it's whatever we have around the house. This year Maddy decided to be Little Red Riding Hood. We had the costume and just had to go to the library to get the book (since they require the kids to have read the book first). Chelsea went as Mrs. McNosh from "Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash". They both looked great ... it was alot of fun!

A place to brag a little ...

The kids decided it was time to start seeing their cute and shiny faces on their own blog ... so here it is! I thought it would be a fun way to keep everyone informed of how wonderful/intelligent and talented our kiddos are. They really are I promise!